The average house price on SILVERDALE CLOSE is £408,732
The most expensive house in the street is 9 SILVERDALE CLOSE with an estimated value of £532,073
The cheapest house in the street is 5 SILVERDALE CLOSE with an estimated value of £346,405
The house which was most recently sold was 5 SILVERDALE CLOSE, this sold on 29 Aug 2018 for £278,000
The postcode for SILVERDALE CLOSE is LS20 8BQ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 SILVERDALE CLOSE Detached £403,685 £232,500 11 Nov 2011
2 SILVERDALE CLOSE Detached £417,154 £239,500 21 Jul 2006
5 SILVERDALE CLOSE Detached £346,405 £278,000 29 Aug 2018
6 SILVERDALE CLOSE Detached £362,141 £270,000 19 Aug 2016
9 SILVERDALE CLOSE Detached £532,073 £92,950 18 Dec 1995
11 SILVERDALE CLOSE Detached £380,551 £232,500 29 Nov 2013
15 SILVERDALE CLOSE Detached £419,115 £320,000 23 Feb 2017